All custom builds and discussion, related to the Trebuchet, are posted here.
Discussion of the TBT-3C variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 4 Energy hardpoints and 2 Missile hardpoints, and is capable of using a bigger engine than the other Trebuchet variants.
- Threads:
- 15
- Messages:
- 56
Latest: TBT-3C 'Pulse Striker' (2x LPLas, 2x MPLas, XL300) Durandal, Feb 1, 2015 -
Discussion of the TBT-5J variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 5 Energy hardpoints and 1 Missile hardpoint, and is capable of using up to 5 Jump Jets.
- Threads:
- 25
- Messages:
- 103
Latest: TBT-5J "LAZORS!" (4xLL, TC1, XL265) CarloArmato, May 4, 2021 -
Discussion of the TBT-5N variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 4 Energy hardpoints and 2 Missile hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 14
- Messages:
- 47
Latest: TBT-5N "Trewubchet" (3xLPL, XL265) CarloArmato, May 4, 2021 -
Discussion of the TBT-7K variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 2 Ballistic hardpoints, 2 Energy hardpoints, and 2 Missile hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 45
- Messages:
- 164
Latest: TBT-7K "Pizzette delivery" (2xSNPPC, 1xAC10, XL265) CarloArmato, May 19, 2021 -
Discussion of the TBT-7M variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 3 Energy hardpoints and 3 Missile hardpoints, and is capable of using up to 5 Jump Jets.
- Threads:
- 30
- Messages:
- 108
Latest: TBT-7M "Tumbler" (2xTB10, 1xTB5, 1xTAG, 2xERSL, 2xJJ, XL225) Evvo, Jan 24, 2025 -
Loup De Guerre
Discussion of Loup De Guerre hero variant of the Trebuchet chassis. This variant has 4 Missile hardpoints, 2 Energy hardpoints, can use Jump Jets and gets the Hero Mech bonus.
- Threads:
- 14
- Messages:
- 41
Latest: Loup De Guerre "Fast Wrecker" (4x SRM4, 2x MPL, 2x JJ, XL325) renzor51, Apr 24, 2020
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