WHM-IIC-2 "Fire Ze Missiles" (5x SRM6A, 2x MPL XL385) + AMS option

Thread in 'WHM-IIC-2' started by ShooterMcGavin80, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. ShooterMcGavin80

    ShooterMcGavin80 MechSpecs Addict

    WHM-IIC-2 has been an interesting variant. I like 2xERPPC and 4xSRM6A, XL375. It is okayish, but just really not so great. Two youtubers, Kanajashi and TTB, did pretty good demonstrations of this 2xMPL 5xSRM6A build:

    It is a beast. Speed, heat management, and the missiles are in a nice tight cluster. You can go toe to toe with almost anybody and do okay. Dual Heavy Guass, 4xLB10X, big dakka, and stacked RAC2's are still dangerous, but you can actually trade with them in some circumstances. The arms are pretty terrible hardpoints (low, wide), so I can't justify putting heavy weapons in them like LPL or ERPPC's. If there was a bigger quirk for ERPPC heat it might be worth it, but as it is MPL's and 5xSRM6A make you a formidable brawler.

    Skill tree wise I think it is mandatory to go into mobility to get a few torso speed, speed tweak, accel/brake, and turn speed improvements. The mech handles like a brick without spending about 28 points in agility. After agility, you'll want the missile spread and crit chance nodes, after that it is your option to go either heat management, survival, or get even more in the firepower tree (cooldown). I always like going deep on consumables too.

    AMS option:

    Skill tree for the AMS version:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019